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Build an App like KFC: A Complete Guide!

81 Views | 8 min | Published On: July 16, 2024 Last Updated: July 22, 2024

Digital technology has changed our lives, and dining has not been the same. The dynamic nature of the food & beverage sector has led to the growth of several food-ordering applications.

The popular takeout ordering app KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is among these. Through technology, this massive fast-food restaurant has provided millions of people with great service.

By 2029, it is anticipated that the combined market value of all meal delivery applications will reach $165 billion. If you're planning to create an app like KFC and want to make it a huge success -- this comprehensive guide is for you.

Here we will dive deep into the food ordering app development process, strategies to consider, development cost, and much more. Stick till the end so that you don’t miss out on any information. 

Let’s get started!

Must-Have Features for Food Ordering Apps like KFC

You must ensure that crucial features are integrated to make a big hit like the KFC app. Following, we’ve listed essential features that you must integrate into your food ordering app. Let’s find out:

top features to include in food ordering app like KFC

1. User-friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface is crucial to ensure users can smoothly and effectively navigate through the app. It includes browsing food menus, placing orders, and more. An effortless experience would allow users to browse your app without getting frustrated.
KFC’s app excels at offering intuitive design. It enables users to locate their favorite meals and customize their orders with just a few taps.


2. Advanced Browsing Menu

The integration of an advanced browsing menu enables users to explore different categories, view detailed item descriptions, and view images of dishes. KFC’s app provides a structured and organized menu with high-quality images and detailed descriptions. This allows customers to clearly understand food items and make informed decisions before placing an order.


3. AR Menu Viewing

Augmented Reality (AR) offers an immersive experience for users by enabling them to see a virtual representation of dishes in their real environment. KFC has integrated AR features in some markets, allowing users to visualize how their food will look on the table before placing an order. 


4. Real-time Order Tracking & Delivery Updates

It is crucial to offer customers the latest updates regarding their orders and delivery. So, integrate real-time orders, from preparation to delivery. This will assist customers in keeping track of their orders without getting confused or frustrated.

KFC’s app offers real-time tracking, enabling users to see when their food is being prepared, picked up, and delivered. This ensures transparency and reduces anxiety about order status.


5. Secure Payment Options

Integrating secure payment methods is crucial when building an app like KFC. The app should also be robust enough to safeguard customers' personal information. Ensure that payment options support various methods like the KFC app. These must include credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and cash on delivery (COD). They must also be secured with encryption and protect user data.


6. In-app Promotion & Loyalty Programs

When in-app promotions and loyalty schemes are implemented, customers are encouraged to make additional purchases. This can be accomplished by rewarding devoted clients with discounts, prizes, and exclusive deals. The KFC app provides a rewards system that lets users accumulate points for every transaction. These points may be redeemed for freebies or deals, encouraging frequent app usage.


7. Multi-Language Support

With support for several languages, the app can serve a wide range of users by offering content in many languages. The fact that the multilingual KFC app expands its user base and improves the experience for non-native users.


8. Voice-Activated Ordering System

Users can place orders more quickly and conveniently by using voice commands with a voice-activated ordering system. Some of KFC's apps include voice ordering features that let consumers order their favorite meals without using their hands.


9. Push Notifications

It is highly important to provide the latest updates and information to customers. It includes new menu items, deals, and order progress updates. KFC keeps its brand at the forefront of customers' minds by using push notifications to inform them about special offers, transient promotions, and significant upgrades.


10. Feedback & Rating System

Customers can rate their orders and share their experiences through a feedback and rating system offering insightful data for ongoing improvement. Customers can assess their meal and delivery experience in the app's feedback section, which helps KFC uphold its high standards and quickly resolve any problems.

Build a Fast Food Ordering App like KFC: Step-by-Step Development Process

Following that, we’ve discussed the step-by-step process of developing a fast food ordering app like KFC. Let’s learn:

step-by-step development process of fast food ordering app like KFC

Step 1: Research & Planning

The initial step is to conduct thorough research and planning before you delve into the development process. Here, you must know your potential competitors and your target audience, as well as their needs, specific requirements, and pain points. Monitor the latest trends and technologies to enhance your food ordering application.


Step 2: UX UI Design

Next comes the designing phase – which involves developing a seamless user experience. This must be initiated by understanding the user's needs, thorough research, and designing intuitive and accessible interfaces. 

On the other hand, UI focuses on creating visual and appealing interactive elements to create aesthetically pleasing interfaces. 


Step 3: Development

Here comes the most crucial stage – the development phase. Developers work closely on programming languages, frameworks, and backend & frontend infrastructure using suitable technologies. 

Make sure to hire dedicated developers for your food-ordering app to make your app business a huge success. 


Step 4: Testing & Quality Assurance

Once you’ve developed your mobile app, you'll need to test it. This step helps ensure the platform functions smoothly and meets user expectations. This phase involves rigorous testing of all features, including functionality, performance, security, and compatibility across different devices and browsers. Identifying and fixing bugs helps maintain a high standard of quality.


Step 5: Launching & Marketing

The final phase is deployment and launch when the platform is publicly available. This involves setting up servers, databases, and other infrastructure and deploying the application.

A successful launch is often accompanied by marketing and promotional activities to attract initial users and gather feedback for future improvements.

Top 6 Strategies to Reduce the Development App Cost Like KFC

Entrepreneurs seek cost-effective strategies to cut down costs for mobile app development. To build an app like KFC, we’ve listed crucial strategies to help you reduce overall costs. Let’s learn:

strategies to save money for development cost like KFC

1. Opt for MVP Approach

Opting Minimum Viable Product (MVP) centers on creating the essential elements required for your application. This method will save you time and money by enabling you to launch rapidly, get customer input, and iterate based on actual usage.


2. Choose the Right Tech Stack

Choosing a technological stack that fits your app's needs and long-term objectives is crucial. Programming languages, frameworks, and tools that operate well together can accelerate development, boost output, and lower maintenance costs over time. 


3. Use Existing Solutions & APIs

Utilizing third-party libraries, APIs, and preexisting solutions can save much money and time during development. You can save money by integrating prebuilt functionality instead of starting from scratch when adding features, all while ensuring robust and strong performance. 


4. Utilize Agile Development  Technologies

Agile methodologies will assist in iterative development, continuous feedback, and flexible adjustments. Moreover, it helps manage resources more effectively, adapt to changes swiftly, prioritize essential features, and ultimately minimize overall development costs. 


5. Optimize your Testing

Implementing automated testing tools and practices can enhance your app's efficiency. Automated testing helps identify bugs at the earlier stages of development, minimizes the need for extensive manual testing, and enhances the app’s quality. This leads to cost savings in debugging and maintenance. 


6. Plan for Scalability

If you're considering scalability, you can save money on re-designs and re-developments as your user base grows. The scalable architecture ensures that your application can handle high demand without any additional expenses, ultimately providing long-term cost efficiency.

How Much Does it Cost to Build an App Like KFC?

The overall cost of developing a fast food ordering app like KFC depends on several factors. These include the project’s complexity, features & functionalities, UX UI design, and other factors.

Below we’ve listed the estimated cost range for KFC-like app development. Check out:

Category Estimated Cost Range
Research & Planning $2000 - $5000
UX UI Design $4000 - $12000
Development $10,000 - $30,000
Testing & QA $4000 - $8000
Deployment $3000 - $7000
Security & Compliance $4000 - $7000
Maintenance & Support $5000 - $10,000
Marketing & Launch $10,000 - $18,000

The estimated cost for a simple or basic app, integrated with essential features and functionalities, ranges from $15,000 to $65,000. However, incorporating your food delivery app with advanced features like real-time tracking or AI recommendations can cost between $80,000 and $120,000 or more. To know the exact cost of building an app like KFC, tap below.

Top 7 Future Trends to Follow for Food Delivery Apps Like KFC

Following, we’ve listed the top future trends that you must consider for food delivery apps like KFC. Let’s find out:

top future trends that you must consider for food delivery apps like KFC

1. Blockchain Technology

The integration of blockchain technology will enhance security and transparency in transactions. It will also help build trust with customers and safeguard their confidential information. 


2. Contactless Payment

According to the Mastercard Poll, half of Americans now use contactless payment. It offers a faster, safer, and more convenient way to make payments for all industries, including food delivery. 

In the future, KFC and other restaurants will utilize touchless menus, drone delivery systems, and QR code payments. It will help to reduce physical contact between customers and staff. 


3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Integrating AR and VR into food delivery apps like KFC helps to transform customer interactions. It assists in improving customer engagement by offering immersive experiences, such as virtual restaurant tours or interactive menus, enhancing the overall ordering process. 

This advanced technology can also be used for in-app promotions and ads. This will help to create a more engaging platform for users.


4. Smart Devices Connectivity

Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as wearables and smart speakers (like Alexa) allows customers to place orders using voice commands or through connected devices, making ordering easier and more convenient. 


5. Subscription-based Models

Subscription models are a great way to increase client loyalty and earn additional rewards. By utilizing subscription tiers, you can provide early checkout and free delivery discounts for a monthly fee. This strategy makes it easy for users to download the app over competing ones and generates steady revenue.  


6. Personalization & Customization

Implementation of AI and machine learning helps to analyze customer preferences and behavior. This further offers personalized recommendations and customized meal options to boost customer experience. 

KFC has implemented advanced algorithms, which help with user preferences, order history, and dietary restrictions, offering culinary experiences explicitly tailored for users. 


7. Prioritizing Sustainability

Food delivery apps must focus on adopting sustainable practices as environmental awareness rises. 54% of consumers would prefer to order from restaurants that remove excess packaging from the food delivery.

Focusing on eco-friendly practices will attract environmentally conscious consumers and promote a positive brand image. This includes sustainable packaging, reducing food waste, optimizing delivery routes to reduce carbon emissions, and partnerships with sustainable sourcing practices. 

Partner With Apptunix to Build a Robust App Like KFC

Of course, you might have been planning to build an app like KFC for some time, and now is the perfect moment to turn your idea into reality.

Partner with Apptunix, a leading mobile app development company known for exceeding client expectations. We are your ideal partner for creating a robust, feature-rich food ordering app like KFC. Our expert developers, designers, and strategists will work with you to ensure your app stands out, offering seamless user experiences and innovative functionalities.

We understand the unique challenges of the food delivery industry and know how to address them to build an app that attracts and retains customers. Using the latest technologies—from advanced browsing menus to real-time tracking and AR viewing—we ensure your app delivers a delightful and engaging experience. 

Investing with Apptunix means investing in success. Our comprehensive service covers everything from concept and design to development, testing, and launch, all at affordable price with no hidden costs. Don’t miss the chance to transform your business. Partner with Apptunix today and start building a successful app like KFC.


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q 1.Which technology stack should I use to build an app like KFC?

You should use a robust tech stack to build an app like KFC. It includes programming languages, such as Swift (for iOS) and Kotlin (for Android) as well as backend frameworks like Node.js and Django. Also, cloud services like AWS or Google Cloud are extensively utilized for app development. 

Q 2.How long does it take to build an app like KFC?

The development time to build a food ordering app like KFC typically ranges from 4 to 6 months or more depending on the project’s complexity, features, and other factors. 

Q 3.How much does it cost to develop an app like KFC?

To build an app like KFC, it will cost you around $20,000 to $1,20,000 or more. The cost depends on the project’s complexity, features & functionality, design complexity, size & location of the development team. 

Q 4.What legal regulations should I follow for developing an app like KFC?

When you are developing an app like KFC, make sure to comply with various legal regulations, including data privacy such as CCPA and GDPR to safeguard user information. Adhering to these regulations helps avoid legal issues and ensures the app operates within legal boundaries.

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