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Best Tactics of CRM App Development like Zoho – Features and Costing

4569 Views | 1 min | Published On: February 7, 2021 Last Updated: October 18, 2021
crm software development

When you own a business you don’t only own profit and losses, you own responsibility. The responsibility to take care of your employees, clients, resources, cashflows, communication, and much more. And how do we expect to manage all effortlessly? After all, we all are humans!

At such time technology takes place with CRM software that takes care of all your business-related activities for smoother functionality.

The CRM software apps like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho are some of the common CRM apps that are used worldwide. They provide CRM solutions to many business owners. They are absolutely gorgeous apps but one size first all is not the theory we want to get in. 

So we will be talking about how to build a CRM application with basic features and costings of CRM app development taking the Zoho CRM app as an inspiration

What is a CRM App?

The CRM app also known as customer relationship management is a new concept that started post-90s but got popular because of its positive after-effects. It helps in managing the business and retain the business clients for good growth and revenues. In words of Peter Drucker, Management Guru-

The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.

And CRM definitely does that. You can call it a tool/app or software that facilitates smooth business flow. It takes care of your business and also helps you to keep engaged with your customers to earn their loyalty. 

In one of the articles, I read something while researching for this blog. I learned that CRM is so effective and efficient that if you do CRM app development for your business, each 1 dollar you invest in mobile app development will give you 9 dollars in return. How interesting it is!

If to sum up, I would say that a CRM app helps to establish the coordination between different departments of the business and also provides insights and reports for regular work track.

The CRM app development could be of the following types-

  • Operational CRM

It takes care of all the operations that are currently active in the business. It sees all operations, coordinates them, and manages them. Helps in managing the functions automatedly for minimum productivity losses.

  • Analytical CRM

In this type of custom CRM software, insights are provided about the total productivity, logistics, and workflow of all the important aspects and departments involved in the business. It tells about what are the failings and what are the highlights. So that businesses can take the help of this knowledge and make the best out of it.

  • Collaborative CRM

It is the mix of both the CRM app software that we discussed above. It helps to make all business functions work in an automated way and at the same time monitors their work progress. It overall manages, coordinates, and monitors the business functions happening.

The user can go for CRM app development that suits best to their requirements.

Rising Scope of CRM App Development

CRM App has become the need of the hour for every business entity. Not only it helps them to manage and coordinate all business activities together. It also helps them to find loopholes if any and then work on them to increase productivity. The CRM functions differently in different domains. The diagram below shows the same.

zoho crm app

In one of the reports, it was shown that

The CRM software business is expected to raise up to a 35 billion dollar market. And today 47% of business entities own CRM for better management. 

Therefore, CRM is getting bigger and important each passing day.

Why do You Need to Go For Your Own CRM App Development?

Now we know why there is such a big hype of CRM apps but there is one more point to be noted why you need to have your CRM app. Well, imagine going to a shop that sells the same size of shirts to every customer. If that size is yours, it’s absolutely fine. But what if you are not of that same size. 

Consciously you would need to alter the shirt and make it according to your body size. And this adds to the cost. First of buying, then of altering. And if you skip altering you just will be fearing a bad fit. So, on the whole, your purpose won’t be solved. And this is what happens when you take readymade CRM app solutions.

They provide similar features to everyone. You have to adjust yourself according to them. As a result, they might be helpful but the effectiveness reduces to some percentage. So, to run YOUR business smoothly, your need YOUR Custom CRM App.

Following are the reasons to advocate the same

  • Cost-Effective

When you make an app for yourself. You exactly know features that are important for you and which are not. Therefore, you can eliminate the features that are of no use. This reduces your cost as in prepaid custom plans you have to take all the features and pay for the plan which is not being used to the fullest extent.

  • Saves Times

The custom app is made for you keeping your needs in mind. Therefore, the employees don’t have to waste their time in learning and understanding the complex function as everything is custom made.

  • More Coordination

You know what you want. Then make the best out of it. Making an app according to our requirements, you need which departments and business functions are required o get streamlined. You can place them and ask your CRM app developers to put them accordingly. This establishes better sync.

  • Better Scalability

When you develop the best CRM software according to your business. It is easier for you to make changes in your app at your convenience. Whereas in prepaid CRM app suites, you can expect to have changed as per your choice. And even if they do, it is not necessary that they will change them frequently.

app development

How Zoho App Works?

Zoho is a promising CRM App that has won many awards for customer retainment, satisfaction, and business growth. It prominently works in lead and content management. Let us check out the overall functioning model of Zoho in some easy pointers below.

1. Facilitates Automated Sales Promotion

Under this, the CRM helps in converting web visitors into leads, assigning the leads to the respective salesperson, and fixing meetings with the clients. All this happens just with one single click. 

It has access to all your databases, importing relevant information that is necessary to carry out the sales. With the Zoho CRM pushing visitors into leads and sales conversion happens automatedly.

2. Real-time Data Imports

This feature of the Zoho CRM app allows users to have constant updates of their clients. What is their status in the sale cycle and what could be done to push the sale and deal towards closure? With the content management tools, the user can draft enticing messages that motivate the user to buy.

The updates could be derived from the dashboard as seen in the image below.

app like zoho crm

3. Social Media Synchronisation

Today we live in a world of posts and hashtags. To your amusement, I may reveal that Twitter and Facebook hold major portions of total traffic attraction for your business. Zoho CRM observes the behavior of the Social Media user and based on that displays them ads so that they can contact you for making sales.

4. Use on The Go, Mobility

The app comes in a Mobile edition too that is easy to run on Android and iOS devices. This allows users to use the app anytime, anywhere. They don’t have to depend on desktops to get insights into their business. It is super easy to learn and fetch information with easy displays and graphs.

5. Google Friendly

Zoho CRM mobile app is compatible with Google Suite and can easily integrate and work with Google tools like Gmail, Gdocs, calendar, etc. This makes the usability of the CRM app easier and convenient.

Therefore, now you know how the Zoho CRM app is able to win hearts. Due to its usability and accessibility to reports from any place round the clock.

CRM App Development With Zoho's Features

Now we have learned the details like the need for CRM app development, how ZOHO works and why you need to build CRM app for yourself. Let us learn the features that you might need to include.

crm app development

1. SalesForce Automation

This feature allows users that through app only they can push their salesperson to connect with the clients and show them the conversion of leads into actual sales. It constantly reminds the sales task force when and where they contacted the clients and in what position the client is in the sales cycle.

2. Lead Management

In this feature, the app fetches the information from all the sources where they see the potential leads. They convert visitors into hot leads and show the report. Taking help from this reports sales team can go for calling. This feature also allows user to run good return ads after learning the behavior of the client

3. Account Management

This feature allows users to know about all their cash inflows and outflows. What are the revenues and commissions? This helps in budget making and knowing what is the work progress of the app.

4. Effective Follow Up

The content management in this app will allow us to send automated reminders and notifications to the clients. This will help the business team to be updated with the client’s status about the deal closure.

5. Website Integration with Forms

This feature of CRM allows users to make customized forms that appear in the form of banners, headers, or footers when your target audience visits your website. In the form, the user can fill in the questionnaire that you have made as per your requirements.

6. Workflow Management

In this feature, the CRM app shows you the work status of different departments and functions that are carried out in business. With a single click, you can pass on the instruction of working to your users and the work could be done in synchronization.

7. Sales Tracking

This feature lets CRM app users know how many sales ideas have been done so far, how many are in progress, what are junk sales, and what is the overall track record. In short, it shows detail of the sale cycle right from getting lead to turning it into a good deal.

8. Sales Forecasting

According to the reports based on past and present performances, this feature automatically shows app users what could be the anticipated sales of the users in coming times. They are told what could be the expected sales figure in the next quarter or month. This helps users to work on their performance to achieve better targets.

9. Productivity Showcase

This feature lets users know how the different business departments work. What are their set targets and what are they achieving? This helps in providing appraisals, incentives, promotions. And also tell users where the department is lacking to get better with productivity.

10. Mail Coordination

It is an important part of content management. In this, the user can send bulk messages and emails to users. They can also select the list of the users they want to send their messages. They can also create a list of receivers they want to send their message.

11. Library

This feature allows users to store all kinds of data as we keep books in the library. You can fetch any information of any time period and learn the details at your convenience.

12. Social CRM

This feature allows the user to learn and observe the behavior of social media users. Based on their behavior patterns, the user can run relevant ad campaigns and get the potential leads for a business sales.

13. Mobile CRM

This gesture allows CRM app functionality to be compatible with the mobile screen. This means the app can work on mobile screens easily and give power to users to access the app anytime and anywhere without desktops.

14. Google Apps CRM

The app is compatible with Google Suite makes the functionality easier. Ask your CRM app development company to make a CRM app that allows users to use Google suite tools like Gmail, Google DOCs and Sheets, etc for a better result showcase.

Cost Estimation

After learning the features, it is easy to talk about the cost of CRM app development. According to your needs and requirements, you can exo[ert the price of customized CRM apps go from 10,000 US dollars to 40,000 US dollars

The features and the framework is the basis on which you get the quote of the app. I would suggest you consult a good mobile app development company. Tell them your needs and they could assist you better with exact pricing inclusive of the relevant features for your app.

Wrap Up!

The Standard CRM apps provide one type of solution to all, be it a food delivery business or home services. But after all, what is made for you should be made to suit you best. And that is why you need to build a CRM app that suits your business requirements. After all the customs are known as a custom for a reason. Hence, join hands with the best CRM development company.

mobile app development

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